Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pennsylvania Trip

The very first night I arrived, Arin got off of work, and we went to one of her favourite diners! We got yummy diner hamburgs and peanut butter pie for dessert. It was absolutely delicious.

I was so glad that Arin was able to take time away from her busy schedule to be able to spend time with me. She had to work one of the days that I was there, but we had a blast on the other days! She actually took me to a swing-dancing club that she and her froends go to often. I felt sorry for the poor men who asked me to dace - I've danced, ballet, jazz, modern, tap, broadway, and even some latin, but I've NEVER done any swing. I warned them as we went out on the dance floor, but they were gentlemen and danced very kindly, not commenting when I stepped on their toes.

Doesn't Arin look cute with the baby guitar?

I came out Monday morning to see kitty paw prints going up the front of my car! (Ok, it's Mom and Dad's car, but *I* drove it!) Nero the cat had been climbing.

This picture was taking about 2 in the morning. I think that is all the explanation needed.


The morning I left. Arin headed off to school, and I finished packing up.

Of course, before I left, I had a certain someone I needed to play with.

The way home was awful. Not only did I take the way with the most traffic (But Moooom, I knew how to get home that way!!) But then, when I stopped at a CVS to stretch my legs, I managed to lock the keys in the car. So I got to know CVS pretty well in the hour that I spent there, and then another 15 minutes of the handyman attempting to break into the car. Good news is, if it takes HIM that long, I don't think anyone else will want to attempt it.

I'm home now, with two more days of break left. I'm going to Chick-fil-a for a job interview. I'm praying that it's the right job for me, because I've been searching for the past 5 months and nothing has turned up yet. I know a few people who work here; they are all lovely, and put in a good work for me. The staff seems nice, it's a clean place, and they're closed on Sundays, which is good since I can't work weekends anyway. (one of the reasons other things have fallen through) We'll see what happens!

I hope you all are having lovely weeks, and that you liked my pictures. I know I haven't updated in a while, but that's apparently what happens when one is in their last, busy, trying-to-figure-out-the-future semester!

Love, Sarah

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Here we have how the girls and I spent Thanksgiving morning - we all did crafts while watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. Rebekah and Rachel made bracelets, while I did some crocheting.

I had Thanksgiving "lunch" (Dinner at their house) with the Vance family. One of Thomas's 3 brothers, Trevor, was there also! (the other two live in remote places like Africa, and Texas)

The delicious food!

Thomas and Trevor and I headed back to our house for Thanksgiving dinner there. While everything was getting ready, some of us played an intense game of Monopoly.

Rebekah just looked pretty. :)

(Thomas cannot claim any credit for helping set this table whatsoever)

Our absolutely wonderful dinner! Mom outdid herself this year! She did have some help however, Rebekah made the asparagus casserole and Rachel made green bean.
And of course, the animals wanted their share.

And now I'm off to take the first of my finals! Hope everyone is having a good week!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Finally, Pictures!

So I've finally gotten a breath to spare to put up pictures - although not much of one, as after this I need to lean up from Thanksgiving dinner, and do a few lessons of math. Oh, the life of a college student living at home!

One of the girls took this picture of the two of us backstage in the greenroom. :) (even if Thomas does look slightly like a girl because of his makeup. shhhhhh.)

This was the opening scene of the show - Thomas played Oliver from the play As You Like it.

Thomas still as Oliver, and me as Rosalind - pretending to be a man, and teaching Orlando how to romance Rosalind.

Still as Rosalind- both singing with other players, and pleading with my 'cousin' Celia.

Hamlet - and myself as Ophelia in the "Ger thee to a nunnery" scene.

Singing Ophelia's Mad Songs.

Thomas's other big scene - Spanish Tragedy, by Thomas Kyd.

The big finale - we all sang a Shakespearian drinking song!

So here you go - I'll try to put up the pictures from Thanksgiving sometime in this next week, however, I do have finals in the next two seeks, so I am going to be ultra-busy!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ophelia's Mad Songs

This is a link to a video of the songs I sang in the play last weekend! Sadly, the video card filled up halfway through the last song, but you get the jist of it here!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

School days

I was having a down day at school today, so I brought Amore in to help with some schoolwork and cheer me up.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

Oh Shenandoah

So, I have about 15 minutes before I have to get to Bio class, but I thought I'd update (which I haven't been doing at all!!!) a little bit, and post some pix from last weekend. School has been going ok - it's so hectic, and with the play coming up in 2 weeks, it's getting to be a rat race. Btw, if you didn't know, Thomas and I are both in "Contemptuous Contemporaries" which will be a bunch of Shakespeare scenes, and scenes from contemporaries of his, and popular songs from the time. It's a really fun thing, and I've never done Shakespeare before, but we've had a month to put this thing on, and I haven't even been able to completely memorize my lines yet. But with deep breaths and prayer and a STRONG will, hopefully I'll get through everything in one piece. :)

I'm getting my wisdom teeth out today! I'm being put completely under, because both of my bottom teeth are impacted, and they're so close to a certain nerve that connects my jaw to the rest of my head - to be able to get the teeth without any damage, I need to be totally and completely under. I've told my family to please not hold anything I say or do "under the influence" against me. ;)

Arin came to visit last weekend! We went up to Shenandoah National Park, and took pictures, and went hiking, and had a great time. Sadly, Mom was at choir rehearsal, and Daddy was in California, but we kids had an awesome time. Here are some pictures!