Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pennsylvania Trip

The very first night I arrived, Arin got off of work, and we went to one of her favourite diners! We got yummy diner hamburgs and peanut butter pie for dessert. It was absolutely delicious.

I was so glad that Arin was able to take time away from her busy schedule to be able to spend time with me. She had to work one of the days that I was there, but we had a blast on the other days! She actually took me to a swing-dancing club that she and her froends go to often. I felt sorry for the poor men who asked me to dace - I've danced, ballet, jazz, modern, tap, broadway, and even some latin, but I've NEVER done any swing. I warned them as we went out on the dance floor, but they were gentlemen and danced very kindly, not commenting when I stepped on their toes.

Doesn't Arin look cute with the baby guitar?

I came out Monday morning to see kitty paw prints going up the front of my car! (Ok, it's Mom and Dad's car, but *I* drove it!) Nero the cat had been climbing.

This picture was taking about 2 in the morning. I think that is all the explanation needed.


The morning I left. Arin headed off to school, and I finished packing up.

Of course, before I left, I had a certain someone I needed to play with.

The way home was awful. Not only did I take the way with the most traffic (But Moooom, I knew how to get home that way!!) But then, when I stopped at a CVS to stretch my legs, I managed to lock the keys in the car. So I got to know CVS pretty well in the hour that I spent there, and then another 15 minutes of the handyman attempting to break into the car. Good news is, if it takes HIM that long, I don't think anyone else will want to attempt it.

I'm home now, with two more days of break left. I'm going to Chick-fil-a for a job interview. I'm praying that it's the right job for me, because I've been searching for the past 5 months and nothing has turned up yet. I know a few people who work here; they are all lovely, and put in a good work for me. The staff seems nice, it's a clean place, and they're closed on Sundays, which is good since I can't work weekends anyway. (one of the reasons other things have fallen through) We'll see what happens!

I hope you all are having lovely weeks, and that you liked my pictures. I know I haven't updated in a while, but that's apparently what happens when one is in their last, busy, trying-to-figure-out-the-future semester!

Love, Sarah


  1. Papa and I are praying for the right job and right decisions for you. It's an exciting time and a scary time, with your whole future stretched out in front of you! We're looking forward to being there for your (YIPES!) 20th birthday!
    We love you so much! Nana

  2. I want to be really really happy that you and Arin saw each other, and I AM, I swear, but also I'm really jealous. -_- hehe. The pawprint picture is adorable, and what is that stringed instrument you are holding? some weird mandolin-like thing? or is it actually a mandolin and I don't know what they look like?
