Friday, June 11, 2010

Birthday Bonfire!

Last Saturday, Arin came into town to visit me for my birthday weekend! Christian and Taylor invited us all out to their farm for a birthday bonfire celebration! We played croquet, listened to Taylor on the guitar, talked, and roasted hot dogs for dinner. It was absolutely lovely, and a wonderful way to spend my birthday.

This is one of my most favourite pictures ever. Christian, Thomas, and Arin. Needless to day, this was Arin's idea.

Taylor had just purchased a new kilt, which he was showing off. He looks bored in this picture, but he was beating us all in a cut-throat game of croquet.

Thomas giving Christian some "help", as she attempts to hit the ball.

Arin just looks cute, as always. :)

Someday I need to get Christian out in her fields and have a photo day with her. She's absolutely beautiful, and very photogenic!!

Their horses came over to the fence to say hi. There were a lot of them, and Arin enjoyed getting close to them... I just took pictures.

And here is the bonfire!! Taylor had spent the whole day finding brush and branches with which to build it. And yes - those two highest branches are actually a tree that was in the middle. Thomas had a near miss later that evening when one of the branches came crashing down!

Arin was a sweetheart, and gathered clover to make Christian and myself clover wreaths! Christian's birthday had been the day before, and my birthday was 2 days later, so we had this as a combination of them both.

My wreath and my boy. :)


That's all I have at the moment. Things are getting hectic as I get ready to start camp - and I've already been in summer school for 3 weeks. Only 8 more to go!!


1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures. It looks like wonderful, wholesome fun ..... the kind I love! With a little danger thrown in for excitement! Lots of love! Nana
