Sunday, January 31, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Cooking with the Sarahs

Here we have a few pictures of Sarah and me from a night that we decided to do the cooking. We made a bunch of yummy stuff, but since I'm off to math class soon, I'm just going to let the pictures speak for themselves.


Monday, January 25, 2010

The Shalom Cafe

When I was staying with Kim, we had the opportunity to look after the cafe that the synagogue she goes to runs. The cafe provides free tea and coffee and wireless, and we spent the day talking about life, love, and all that goes into the both of them. Here are some of my favourite pictures from that day.
I like this view - the cafe is really a very very pretty are with murals on the wall, and they have different art exhibits every month.
The coffee and tea. Kim is never standing or sitting still - this is one of the better pictures I got of her. Again - I just can't get enough of this picture! Kim did such an amazing job of taking it!
Kim's camera =)

And there you go folks!

This is SO much easier! yay!


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Adventures over Winter Break

So as you all know, I've been traveling for the past month. I had some lovely adventures with my best friends, and I documented it all for you.This is my lovely best friend Arin - isn't she adorable? I spent Christmas at her house in Pennsylvania, and then took a bus up to Connecticut. I loved staying with her... I can't say the same for taking the bus .
This is Emily. I stayed with her for the first week that I was out there and New Years. I had lots'n lots of fun with her. You should see the height difference between us (somehow there aren't any pictures of the two of us) I think it's about 6 inches?
This is Aaron and myself - and yes, he is my boyfriend. It's official. So y'all can stop speculating now. We're both tall, have red hair, and love cats.
I stayed with Sarah during the second week. When I was with her, we went to a friends house and got a hot wax treatment on our hands, which is why we have huge blue mittens on in this picture. I loved it - Sarah didn't like how the wax felt all slimy. Oh well - to each his own.
I was with Spencer during the second weekend. He and his girlfriend Cayla and I all made cream puffs one day, and they turned out quite deliciously.This is Cayla. She likes sugar, can you tell?
I even got a little messy... which is usually unheard of! Spencer had to rush to take this picture.
This is Kim, and I was with her for the third week. We had lots of fun watching movies late into the night, going on cannoli runs, and taking care of the synagogue's cafe for a day.I love this picture that Kim got of me, and the walls reflecting onto the counter at the cafe!The last day I was there, the theater group of which Spencer, Sarah and Aaron are all a part, had their annual winter cabaret. Spencer was in it as a performer, and he sang Singin' in the Rain WITH an umbrella and everything! It was rather spectacular. Cayla was there too - she sat next to me because.....Aaron had to do the sound backstge. =)

So there you have the outline of my trip. I'll most definitely post some more pictures, so keep on the lookout!


New blog

So here we have my new blog. HS blogger wasn't cutting it for a picture blog anymore, which is what I'm mostly interested in these days. Between school, and rehearsals, and club meetings and family stuff, it's hard for me to keep up, and I found that Blogspot is much easier to use compared to homeschoolblogger. So, here we are. And onto the actual blogging!!

~Sarah Beth