Friday, October 15, 2010

Oh Shenandoah

So, I have about 15 minutes before I have to get to Bio class, but I thought I'd update (which I haven't been doing at all!!!) a little bit, and post some pix from last weekend. School has been going ok - it's so hectic, and with the play coming up in 2 weeks, it's getting to be a rat race. Btw, if you didn't know, Thomas and I are both in "Contemptuous Contemporaries" which will be a bunch of Shakespeare scenes, and scenes from contemporaries of his, and popular songs from the time. It's a really fun thing, and I've never done Shakespeare before, but we've had a month to put this thing on, and I haven't even been able to completely memorize my lines yet. But with deep breaths and prayer and a STRONG will, hopefully I'll get through everything in one piece. :)

I'm getting my wisdom teeth out today! I'm being put completely under, because both of my bottom teeth are impacted, and they're so close to a certain nerve that connects my jaw to the rest of my head - to be able to get the teeth without any damage, I need to be totally and completely under. I've told my family to please not hold anything I say or do "under the influence" against me. ;)

Arin came to visit last weekend! We went up to Shenandoah National Park, and took pictures, and went hiking, and had a great time. Sadly, Mom was at choir rehearsal, and Daddy was in California, but we kids had an awesome time. Here are some pictures!